Monday, May 7, 2012

Deaf Kids Say the Darndest Things....

My friends frequently tell me, "I just love the stuff you post on facebook about the little kids at work ! Post more of that." So, here's a collection of recent work related facebook status updates. When I stop and think about it, the fact that my job is teaching deaf kids to talk is quite miraculous. Just a few decades ago, the technology that allows many of them to access sound and learn spoken language wasn't available. So keep that in mind as you chuckle at what they say. :)
One tired and cranky little boy was trying to get out of testing this afternoon by pushing the materials away and yelling, "AMEN!" Sorry, buddy. That doesn't end therapy time. :)
Kid Quote of the Day:

Me: "What do you do with pens and pencils?"
Kid:" Put them behind my ears just like you!"

Observant little fellow, isn't he?



Me: What is "cowboy" without "cow"?
Kid: BOY!
Me:What is "helpful" without "full"?
Kid: HELL!


In the middle of our session, one of my most precocious preschoolers started belting out some Bieber. "And I was like BABY...BABY....BABY, OOOHHH!"



Kid: "Mom, we go to the store! When we go?"
Mom: "What did I say?"
Kid: "After the Jeanette"

Yup. I merit a definite article.


I've really, really gotta get better at anticipating the types of speech errors my kiddos are going to make and prevent situations that are hilarious but not appropriate to laugh at. Our "Here Fishy, Fishy" game this morning quickly deteriorated into "Here Bit**y, B**chy".


Me: "Sit up in your chair please."
Kid: "But I'm tiiiiiiired, Miss Jeanette."
Me: "Yeah, I'm tired too. But we both have to keep working."
Kid: "Really?"
Me: "Really."
Kid: "Darn."


What I say: "Let's walk slowly back to class"
What they hear: "Run as fast as your little legs will carry you. GO! GO! GO!"


Kid Quote of the Day:
Me: "Why are you limping?"
Kid: "I have a owie...see my bandaid?"
Me: "Sweetie, that's on your finger. You can walk."


I wonder if I'd make a good hostage negotiator? I can't be much different than convincing a 3-year-old to stop screaming and play your language game.


Me: "Who is in your family?"
Kid: "Sissy and Mommy and Daddy...and Lightening McQueen!"


Kid Quote of the Day:
Kid: (tearing foam heart sticker) "Oh-no."
Me: "What happened?"
Kid: "My heart is broked"


Kid: "Thanks, Sound Beginnings, for learning me to talk"

Me: *head hitting desk*


So, there you go....I'm trying my best to "learn'em good" and can rarely predict what they will say next.


  1. So I admit, I've been blog-stalking you for...kinda a long time now. You have the best status updates, especially working with kids. I've had a lot too, I just never post them :) Keep em coming!! P.S. I've lost faith in the future generations if they're singing Bieber. Haha.

  2. I love this post! It is the best ever. You really can never predict what they will say or do next. Gotta love them!
