Then I thought, "Wouldn't it be hilarious to carry this picture around in your wallet and tell people they were your parents?" I sent it to a few friends via facebook and they concurred with my hysterical hypothesis. I even printed it off and told a co-worker of my planned prank. However, I got busy and left the picture in the materials room for a few days.
This afternoon, while I was upstairs in my office, my boss saw the photo and was a bit alarmed (who wouldn't be?).
"Who is this?" she asked in a concerned tone.
"Jeanette's parents," responded my co-worker.
"Oh dear." replied my boss, as she probably reevaluated her choice to hire me.
My co-worker laughed and tried to explain the photo's true origin, but my boss didn't quite understand.
After I heard about it and everyone in the materials room had a good chuckle, I stopped by her office to clarify. She seemed relieved that I am not the child of rifle and parrot enthusiasts, but still probably wonders why I thought it would be funny to claim such. I'm wondering that too.